The CRPS physical examination is based upon the IASP/Budapest criteria and to rule out any other possible cause of pathology
As a reminder - The Budapest criteria requires three symptoms and two signs from the following four categories: (Some Very Swollen Meat)
Physical Examination:
Evaluation of posture, gait, how is the person holding the limb? Any unusual behaviours?
General inspection of the limb looking for scars/wasting/fixed postures or deformities
Sensory - Light touch and pinprick (ideally toothpick), Temperature allodynia (use the metal of a tuning fork or metal of a stethoscope), vibration sensation (tuning fork)
NB: For sensory testing there are three main ways:
Dermatomal distribution
Cutaneous peripheral nerve innervation
Distal based (e.g. glove and stocking - test from normal tissue to abnormal)
Vasomotor - Look at colour (red when hot, white when cold) and measure temperature (use a last thermometer)
Sudomotor/Oedema - Look for swelling and palpate for sweating
Motor/Trophic - Ask for active movements and then gently test strength. Check nails for trophic thickening or breaking down compared to the other side / skin changes (such as rougher, shinier, or damp)
Recommend completing the rest of neurological examination for that limb or location if required.